31 Posts in 2017

Dec 28, 2016 14:38

January is fast approaching. Which means another round, of 31 posts. I have started forming plots that I will make some final thoughts on. I’m pondering the idea of an ornaments box.  When the tree goes up every Christmas there is always a, why aren’t there more things I made here?  So I think its time to take all the yarn remnants from finished projects, and make something happen.

So as this year, good, bad, and horrible comes to a close, I’m plotting my crafty  adventures for next year. And I’m having fun with ideas. So far, things like:

  • Ornaments Box
  • More sweaters
  • Stash down
  • Usual goals and plots
  • Sewing things
  • I miss alongs (I joined the pigskin party and promptly either frogged or wandered off from all but 1 qualifying FO)
  • More shop sewing (I’m liking making project bags)
  • Dyeing adventures


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