Dyeing Fiber and Yarn more adventures

Nov 22, 2016 17:22

So back at Rhinebeck. I got 1lb. of BFL to start playing with in the dye pots.  I have been pondering dying since the summer and wanted to start dipping my toe in, and where better than Rhinebeck to get a pile of undyed wool instantly.  I also had picked up a couple skeins of undyed wool.


So I had some fun prepping dye for both dying projects.  It took a while to decide what colors to do. And I’m still plotting more dyeing. So it will be fun. Though the next  plot I’m pondering, is dying a sweater’s worth of yarn.  Maybe in DK.

So first I shook up some lovely dye colors.  First up was the fiber, 60z in 2oz segments. And the rainbow was added to the pan for the dyeing.  I was a little worried that the yellow was completely gone but once I got to rinsing the dye. I was pleasantly surprised.

And once dry I had my first batch of Pantsuit Nation.

The yarn I went in a different direction and dyed, House Pride.  I think I would like to try it again, with a lighter gray for hufflepuff. And I now have some scarlet for Gryffindor.

The colors of the four houses  were fun to work out and have happen in the yarn. I might actually have a couple of matching winter accessories.  I’ve already started a Rikke hat with one skein and I am thinking of a cowl with the other.

I think that both projects went pretty well and as soon as I have a free spindle I will play with the fiber. Take a look, I think we lost the thread of Hogwarts though I like the yarn anyway. I really love how the green came out with the black, and may *whistles innocently* be pondering an Avada Kedavra color.


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