
Feb 24, 2016 12:35

The baby blanket is done. And it is massive.  It has been gifted to the parents along with a matching onesie because really why not? I’m quite proud of not running out of yarn at any point!  Near the end there I started to worry. The plan to make a matching sweater was put aside due to time and, yarn constraints.  Though this was finished way before my last baby blanket of the morning of the event fame.

It was finished a whole four days before the event.  And as for the matching gift?

Well he needed a uniform too, of course. Now up to the next baby items, and then my start-itis is twitching. I plan to start Royale by Glenna C. once the last of the baby gifts are done. That likely won’t be before March but I really want to knit a few sweaters, or a lot of sweaters.


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