Small Shop Update

Feb 22, 2016 16:42

You go away for a weekend and your blogging schedule gets thrown all out of order. Well I have a few things to share  but let’s start with the most recent. The February shop update is live.  It’s a small one I realize, I’ve spent the weeks after VKL in a pre-crafting state, plotting and placing orders. But I think you will all enjoy these future plots.  Now to the current plots.

The Potions Master Collection

Spring Showers & Flowers

Maritime Markers in Standard and House Sock

Bump In the Night Stitch Markers

Space Invaders notions Pouch

For things that have been requested. The Seven Years at Hogwarts collections including the DADA - Teachers collection will start coming back in March.  I have been ordering the parts needed for all 7 years and once a few sets are complete they will be back in the shop.  The same is true with the individual doctor’s collections.  Anything else you guys want to see back, or for the first time, feel free to ask, as always. I love chatting ideas.


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