A Long Time in the Finishing

Apr 16, 2015 08:05

Cast on on labor day 2012  using hand spun that took three months to finish even with the Tour de Fleece right in the middle of that.  My Hitchhiker is finally done. Finally!

I ended up with about 2 grams of fiber left  after binding off.  The last time I mentioned working on it was back in August where I mention it has 23 teeth currently and the finished skein of handspun was 462 yards.  I think I added another set of teeth or two in that period. Maybe.

A garter shawl is a great project to complete in the dark, which is one of the reasons I chose it, as the Lothlorien Cape has just a bit too much detail to go wild on in the dark and why not finish a long languishing project while hearing the  story of Frodo and the Ring set to live music? We even got a speech from Howard Shore, at the end of the show on Sunday.  I actually finished the shawl on Saturday, and then began my new addiction of knitting #justonemoresquare every night.

spinning, knitting

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