Halloween Take 2

Oct 31, 2014 12:46

My Halloween Party was last Saturday, as 90% of the guests including myself see  11/1 as NaNoWriMo day one. I actually will be missing the first write in as I will station myself in the craft room with my laptop and be bouncing between prep and noveling.  Tonight I shall attempt to brave a bit of the Halloween Parade with my sister. This ls likely a terrible idea, that will leave us fleeing and getting dinner or something.

We are still eating the way through the last of this brownie graveyard.  Chocolate brownie, chocolate butter cream,  crushed Oreo cookies, gummy worms, and Milano graveyards. Its a rich treat.  We also had the savory side covered.

Mummy dogs with olive eyes!  Decorations were sparse which I may have to remedy next year. Along with not deciding two days beforehand to change my costume but I think I did well. Ultimate Xmen Storm. Maybe I’ll start putting together the many faces of Storm…

I think for two days closet diving I did well. I will be buying a different wig because this was epically comfortable cosplay. And I like having something comfy prepped for Sunday of NYCC.  Here’s a sampling of party goers posing for a group photo.  I hold my sister’s crow as she was dressed as The Crow but showed a severe allergy to the camera every time one was lifted in her direction. I will start confirming that I see her in daylight…

All in all it was a very Happy Halloween. So I hope whatever you are doing is just as fun!  Happy Halloween all!


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