WIPW: Hat and Prep

Oct 29, 2014 13:13

As I’ve been mentioning recently I have been on a hat roll.  I’ve even started tagging all of this year’s gift hats Hatseason. So I suppose it was only a matter of time until  word started to spread, and a friend commissioned a hat after seeing another friend in Corwith.

Made last year, in a skein of grey worsted it became the predecessor to Hat Season.  As much as I enjoyed knitting it, I am more of a black or wacky color hat girl.  So it went into the bag to find a good home and clearly it did. So good I’m getting requests for more of them. So I have cast on the next hat, in Rowan Felted Tweed.

Funnily enough even with it being a special request  I had a few skeins in my stash that fit the request and this was the chosen winner.  I have finished the ribbing and from what I remember this hat will be a very quick knit. Which is good, as I  have another surprise on my plate.

And as the title of the post says, there is also prep! I will be at a Holiday Fair in two weeks. The Grace & The Arts at Christmas Fair   on 11/15 and 11/16. More details as the date approaches, but it is off Broadway and 10th street.  So a couple blocks from, Forbidden Planet, Strand, and other dangerous shops. So there are a couple of Christmas things, I need to get working on that I think would do well at a fair. Oh and I start NaNoWriMo this weekend.  Just a couple things on my plate.  I think I have to skip the first write in, to start getting ready.


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