Halloween Spinning Time

Sep 03, 2014 12:26

I like Halloween a lot. I feel like if I didn’t cosplay I would still have elaborate dedicated Halloween costumes. I spent part of the weekend cleaning the blue off of a wig to get it ready to wear again.  I am already planning a Halloween party.  And my costume is more which shall I wear than anything to be concerned about. So its no surprise that on top of a pile of things.  So I have Halloween Fiber ready to go.

These are two batts of actual mystery fiber.  They were gifts of thanks for teaching at Maker Faire last year.  The black bump is 1.35oz and the orange  is 1.25oz.  With a shine that makes it clear its not just wool. I’m not sure what it is, but I’m sure I will get a better idea after handling it some.

The plan is to make a two ply, and maybe knit something up in time for Halloween too.


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