WIPW: I Was Not Expecting This

Jun 18, 2014 12:45

So I was really expecting to show off finished lace, and working my way up through the ST section of the body. I was moving ahead of the 9 rows a day schedule. But the skein kept looking dangerously light. When I got home last night I decided to check it out.

Six grams of yarn left. Even with the planned adjustment of doubling up the decreases I would have had to somehow knit 38 rows with six grams of yarn…uh no. Then I took the shawl off the needles and it all made sense.

It was about twice as long as I was expecting about 40″ when not folded in half. I tend to knit shawls on short needles, so I hadn’t noticed just how much it was scrunched up. It looked so nice before  I started frogging too.

Now I have frogged, and cast back on. I have this time cast on 201 stitches as oppose to 273. I have made it to row 11 so far. In theory I am working  89 rows and I’m thinking of possibly stopping at 25 rows of lace but we will see how that looks. I may aim for closer to 40.  With all the adjustments I actually would need to work 9.75 rows daily. Not counting the ten already completed.

There is still a chance. And tomorrow night is knit night so that is always extra knitting time.

wip, knitting

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