Making Monday: Deadlines and Rainbows

Jun 16, 2014 07:22

This past Friday I finished spinning the Zauberzeug fiber. I still need to ply it, but it is ready to be chain plyed.  A nice rainbow ball that I wound off the drop spindle. I am planning to finish this soon but it has been put aside for a surprise project.

I’m making a shawl I have to finish by next Thursday. So far so good. I am using a new to me yarn Sylph by Jade Sapphire.  It is a Cashmere, Linen blend and having felt it worked up and washed softens like a dream. I am making the Peacock Shawlette  which a made before for my 11 shawls in 2011 so I know its a quick knit and its a bottom up shawl perfect for keeping the momentum going.

I did the math and I have to knit 9 rows a day to still have some time to block. As of last night I was on row 33, and 49 is the last lace row. So I am about 5 rows ahead of schedule with no Monday knitting yet counted.  We will see the status on weds. There are 9 rows of lace left so 18 total.  Completely doable.

spinning, knitting

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