5KCBWDAY3: Photo Time

May 14, 2014 11:48

Day Three : Experimental Photography And Image Handling For Bloggers. I mentioned a few weeks ago grabbing a camera. So I have been working my way though taking new product pictures, editing,  and just snapping shots to get more used to the camera. Case in point this morning I thought I took a bunch of photos of my Artichoke French Sweater and I was completely wrong.   Here’s hoping I get that right at the weddings and graduations I have coming up. So instead we’ll be taking a look at some before and after photos. New Camera vs. Old Camera vs. iPhone and try to guess which is which.  First up my regular model for all devices Molly.


So how do these shots stack up?  New Camera, iPhone, Old Camera  Did you guess right? Both camera photos actually have the lenses getting some moisture from a damp nose. Molly is always ready for her close up.  The next set are a smidge harder.


This set is iPhone, Old Camera, New Camera. With only Old Camera having  had any editing done via Photoshop. The pictures of Molly were all as is, and I think this shows the difference some editing could make as even I would chose the center photo as New Camera if I didn’t know when it was taken.


Last set, all photos altered at least with an instagram filter. New Camera, iPhone, Old Camera.  I’m still a work in progress but I’d like to think my photo skills are growing.

etsy, craft

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