5KCBWDAY1: A Day In The Life

May 12, 2014 11:37

Day 1: Describe a day in the life of a project that you have made, or are in the process of making.

So let’s talk about a project 13 days in the making. Or perhaps talk to.  Artichoke French. A sweater I have wanted to cast on since I saw the preview of it in the Rhinebeck Sweater book.  At Rhinebeck I grabbed the yarn to make the sweater and after the disappointment of having to frog Bayside cast on a new sweater.

There was even a moment when the new sweater and the the frogged sweater were near each other in size. That moment only lasted a day or two as Bayside was put aside and I started working on Artichoke French with gusto. As the days went by, it traveled with me to and from work, to and from the couch and it grew.

In a couple days it had grown past the ribbing edge and the pattern was memorized which just made it even faster to work on. There was no pattern to pull out on trains, and increases/decreases happened spaced far enough apart that when I started thinking about them I was usually a row away from needing to make one. I quickly got to the point where there was nothing but inches and inches of  knitting, with just enough pattern work to keep it interesting.

And now as Monday gets started, its time to divide for sleeves and work my way to the end of this sweater, just in time for 80 degree weather and putting my new favorite article of clothing in a drawer for six months.  C’est la vie d’une tricoteuse.

So that’s been its life so far, using a little time magic let’s talk about how its Monday will go. Starting at the far end of Monday, midnight, Artichoke French is slowly being worked as I drift off the couch to bed. As the clock ticks and the start of the work day looms ever closer, the sweater and I head to bed. The sweater so it’s packed in the morning rush is placed near my purse.

Then it’s off to the actual morning rush, and between sips of ice coffee, and reading, a stitch or two may be worked.  Really the sweater knows at this point it’s time to shine is the evening rush. After having a photo shoot in the office, its left alone for hours. Then the evening rush comes. There is no coffee.  No reading is done, stitches are worked. The time to create the sleeve opening has arrived.  Best not to do that on a moving train.  I’ll go back to reading for a bit.

Home again, back to the couch, dinner, and Television.  But waiting at my side is the sweater. It is time to grown. Scrap yarn is within arms reach. It’s time to find/buy the DPN’s as sleeves are fast approaching.  It’s time to start carrying the next ball of yarn, as the body begins to be wrapped up. As midnight approaches, its time to head to bed, and place the sweater near my purse, to repeat again.

wip, knitting

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