Looking Forward 2014 Goals & Desires

Jan 02, 2014 08:21

Yesterday I talked about the goals I had for the last year and how well or not so well I did when it comes to achieving it.  Now let’s start looking at the things I want to have happen in this new year.

  1. More Festivals/Shows/Conventions (Last year was, Rhinebeck, Hallockville, VKL (NYC), & NYCC) I’d like to do all those again and add MDSW, and maybe Stitches East as a day trip.
  2. More Sweaters - I already have yarn for Artichoke French and have my eye open for yarn for Alta.  Madeline Tosh Tart and Malachite keep catching my eye. Perhaps VKL will get something into my stash. But maybe there will be another sweater or two
  3. More Designing
  4. More Spindles - I love my Bosworth Spindle, and want to continue to get more
  5. More Spinning - I feel like for every batt/braid/top/puins project I finish I have purchased 6 new bits of fiber in the meanwhile
  6. Knitting with Handspun.
  7. More pattern releases (I have so many half done design projects I need to start sharing)
  8. Vacation - It won’t be as epic as London/Paris but I’d like to go somewhere for a few days and play tourist.
  9. Do the holiday knitting for the shop throughout the year
  10. Collaboration (I had a surprise collaboration this year with a yarn club and it was an awesome challenge and a great experience. So now I want to do it again)

I think that it is a good list of things I want to get done in the year. Now I just need to decide if I am doing another 12 in 2014 or not.

lists, knitting

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