NYCC: A Wrap Up

Oct 16, 2013 11:59

NYCC, was fun, it’s my home convention and I always like going even if more and more crowded every year. I did not get into a single panel Saturday for example. Granted that is also because I don’t believe in standing in line for over an hour, or sitting through panels I have no interest in to get a seat for later. This is part of the reason I don’t think SDCC and I would actually work out. Well, Geek Girl Con sounds like a good West Coast experience for me.  We will see what 2014 brings.

Now to costumes. I talked about my prep here and here and had success in both problems Friday night.


A lot of glue and water a 50/50 solution mostly, as well as some more hair to cover up some green hair gel that did nothing to help. Friday night I pretty much drowned the Mohawk in glue, turned a fan on it and went to bed at 2am.   And I made a belt buckle Mark II using duct tape instead of paint for the silver and I was back in business.

Saturday meant getting dressed and heading to the convention. I saved the Mohawk for putting on when I arrived and got a bit of a surprise.

So the Mohawk was a bit taller than I expected.  Just a smidge. As in doorways anywhere but at the Javits Center would be a problem and getting into restroom stalls were still an issue. Eep!  I still haven’t measured it but I would guess 7′ or 7′ 1/2 feet tall in full hawk. Good thing I decided against heels and wore flats… Fun fact with this photo? We may have been really excited at the sight of each other as we exist in the same era of xmen comics!  Dark Phoenix Rachel Grey (er..Summers?).  But the size of the hawk made it so that I was a focal point for all my friends and even some strangers.  And at least three other punk storms sought me out for taking a picture with.

Now some of my favorite costumes from the convention. We had Destiny, Death, Dream, and Desire of the Endless.  Wee!

The maker of Doctor Puppet, with puppet 10 and puppet 11. I actually saw her hat first and thought it was great then saw the puppets, and may have fangirled a bit.

The king of Gondor (or well Strider based on the outfit) and Arwen. These were the only LotR cosplay I saw other than two Gollums that I didn’t grab pictures of.  There were so many Avengers, Lokis, Castiels and Deans/ dudes in plaid. I usually defaulted to Dean if they had a Cas or a Sam as opposed to fan in street clothes.

My favorite picture of the entire convention. The Sanderson Sisters.   And then I saw this buzzfeed article and I got really exicited deep down in my heart.  Hocus Pocus is one of my favorite  Halloween movies.  That and the Addams Family movies can always put a smile on my face.

And lastly Storm, Amy Pond, and Delirium who made quite the random set wandering the show together on Sunday. We all had great fun wandering the convention, and I was glad, that I had Monday off.  My legs felt like I had done some extreme sport, instead of just walking around for three days….



geekery, costumes

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