NYCC Approaches: A Belt Buckle

Oct 08, 2013 11:21

The one other thing I needed  for a complete costume was a Belt Buckle for Storm.  I dithered, and waited and wavered, and finally gave up on order one. I still had silver poster board left over from the Cyber woman costume I had black paper, I could make something that worked right?

That’s totally easy right? Well.

I started with the circles and then cut the black ones down,  glued them into place. The plan was to overlay the X over the black ones then overlay another circle of sliver over all of that so it was seamless.

The first thing I noticed was that the black was a bit duller than I wanted and even double layering it was’t giving it the height I wanted. And it needed some shine.  So then I had another plan.  Bring forth the glue gun!  And glaze.

So once that dried I just needed to turn the glue silver and add a way to attach it to my belt. The answer of course is Duct Tape. Not that I have done that yet, but instead I had an adventure with really thick silver paint I will be repairing tonight.



wip, geekery, costumes, craft

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