7 Days Later

Oct 04, 2012 11:07

So it’s been a week since I tasked myself with finishing Vivian. In that time I went to Maker Fair, taught adults & children, to knit, crochet, and spin.  Wandered around, met the awesome dyer, Lisa,  from Roman Hills and made off with two skeins of new colorways! A red tweed (Doctor Who inspired)  and, a black sparkle. Really someone stop letting me near the sparkle yarn.

Now the sweater is doing very well for not having worked on it for three days.

  • Finish the right LEFT sleeve
  •  Make the left Finish the RIGHT sleeve
  • Attach sleeves to body and continue working
  • Make hood
  • Block
  • Attach zipper

The right sleeve is attached to the body, the only reason that the  left is not currently attached is that I have to put it back on DPNs  and even I can’t do that in the ten seconds I had between  putting the stitches for the underarm on waste yarn and getting off the bus. As tonight is geek knitting I expect to get lots done tonight.

Looks like the 19th may be possible as I am seriously considering not adding a hood so the sweater seems more work friendly. Note the small ball of yarn remaining on the sweater? Well halfway through the sleeve on Friday, I decided to wind the second skein. The reds seemed different but I thought, maybe it’s the light, maybe its just because it’s a skein and not a cake, they will look more similar when they are done.

No.  I actually had the tags for both yarns.

The bands were not the same color, let alone the yarn. So I had a moment of panic, finished my Apple Martini and said I would deal with it in the morning since it was after midnight.  In the morning, I looked up the yarn, and realized Jimmy Bean’s Wool  had the  right yarn in stock. My yarn arrived on Monday, because they clearly have a yarn Tardis.

That may be a Lego Tardis that was on Display at Maker Faire as well as a team, one needs to Assemble.


wip, knitting

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