Fic: Dr. Harkness & Nurse Jones, Masterpost

Aug 06, 2011 23:16

Title: Dr. Harkness and Nurse Jones
Author Name: blue_fjords
Pairing(s): Jack/Ianto, minor Gwen/Rhys, minor Tosh/Donna
Summary: Jack’s a doctor and Ianto’s a nurse. Co-starring Owen, Martha, Sarah Jane, Mickey, Rhys, Gwen, Tosh, Donna, Andy, Harriet, Beth, Alex, Eleven (pre-casting of Eleven), Master Harold Saxon, Lucy Saxon; off-screen appearances by Lisa, the Doctor, Rose, Suzie and Tom.
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: This is going to come as a shock, but I do not own Torchwood.
Warnings: violence, character death, homophobia, kidnapping -- melodrama
Word Count: 64,300 total

Author's Notes: I wrote the first part of this as a stand-alone answer to a prompt on "The Stopwatch" -- fic exchange/challenge -- in the fall of 2008. It is the second piece of fiction I ever wrote, the first being another story for that same challenge. There are probably about one thousand things I would change about this overall story, but isn't that always the case? At any rate, I wrote two sequels to the original story and learned what it was to hate writing a WIP, though each bit was fairly stand-alone. I will never promise a story again. Yowza. But it is complete now, no further stories in this 'verse by me. This puppy's for idamus who kept asking about it, and for used_songs who about a million years ago donated to disaster relief so I'd finish it. I finished! Will email you about the other stuff. Also, I'll be posting this thing on AO3, I have an account, just need to figure out how to do that and coding and such, since half of this is in html and the other half...not so much.

Dr. Harkness and Nurse Jones: Kenya
Dr. Harkness and Nurse Jones: Ghana
Dr. Harkness & Nurse Jones: India (Prologue -- Ghana)
Dr. Harkness & Nurse Jones: India
Dr. Harkness & Nurse Jones, Epilogue, The Atlantic

ETA: I DID post it on AO3 now, finally! Here's the link:

tw: beth, tw: alex, tw: martha, tw: andy, tw: sarah jane, tw: harriet, tw: ianto, tw: tosh/donna, romance novel, tw: gwen, tw: gwen/rhys, tw: jack, tw: owen, au, tw: donna, tw: jack/ianto, tw: mickey, tw: tosh, tw: rhys, tw: gerald carter, torchwood

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