Come on, get happy!

Aug 04, 2011 18:35

Okay. I have decided that enough is enough. Let's pull Lloyd Doblers and just decide to be in good moods. But in case we need help, here's a post about stuff that makes me happy! And please do add stuff in the comments. Just as long as it doesn't intentionally shit on someone else (but if it's unintentional, eh, what you gonna do, yeah?). Happy item #1:

Rubber ducky, I love you! Chefs, angels, cowboys, and my favorites are behind the cut!

Roaring 20s Duckies!! I took these for kriari b/c she is writing a mafia/Prohibition tale and it is AWESOME!

A perfect cup of hot chocolate consumed in a seaside town w/ nothing else to do that day.

Snickerdoodles and blueberries. You guys, I love food. I really, really do. Creating stuff from it, eating it. Throwing it at people. I just love food.

M and her brother liberated this little dude from a brewery on Long Island. I have no words. Plus, my favorite statue from the house we rented on Long Island for the Fourth! Poor little guy.

Mr. Milo got his hands on a bone! He has like five teeth. He enjoyed it, though. And next is my cousin's dog, Sam. I have never met a Sam I did not like, fictional or real. (Call me, Samwise Gamgee! I'll be your Rosie!)

I can't get over how much I love this pic of Misha at Vancouver Pride. He's so rad.

Okay, y'all. Come on, get happy. Post some happy shit in the comments!

misha is a wild and crazy guy, cookies, flist, pics, doggies

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