Come on, get happy!

Aug 04, 2011 18:35

Okay. I have decided that enough is enough. Let's pull Lloyd Doblers and just decide to be in good moods. But in case we need help, here's a post about stuff that makes me happy! And please do add stuff in the comments. Just as long as it doesn't intentionally shit on someone else (but if it's unintentional, eh, what you gonna do, yeah?). ( Read more... )

misha is a wild and crazy guy, cookies, flist, pics, doggies

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lawsontl August 4 2011, 23:26:28 UTC
Fresh, locally grown produce!

Tonight's menu includes grilled salmon (sorry!), topped with a salad made from all the following lovely things:

Cucumbers that were in my friend Cindi's garden just a couple days ago.

Tomatoes grown by a farmer in Fredericksburg.

Sweet corn grown by a farmer in New Carlisle.

And it's all tossed in preserved Meyer lemon vinagrette with lots of garlic. And I preserved the lemons myself when they were in season.

I so cannot wait to nom this, but gotta hold off until Hubster returns from the ball game :)


blue_fjords August 5 2011, 00:12:23 UTC
OMG, that sounds amazing!!!! I've been getting fresh produce from my fellow vendors at the farmers' market. I love doing that. We've been eating so much squash! Yum! I hope the Hubster gets home soon!


lawsontl August 5 2011, 02:17:31 UTC
Currently nomming happily. The acidity of the vinagrette is pairing beautifully with the fattiness of the salmon. The cukes and corn are so crisp and cool against the warm fishy. I think the tomato is a bit lost in all that, but it provides a lovely splash of color. Oh, and a touch of cayenne makes everything happier ( ... )


blue_fjords August 5 2011, 03:06:05 UTC
Okay, trufax -- I am not a vinegar person. If something's pickled, I pass. My grandfather always used to tease me as a child by pouring vinegar on my food, totally turned me off. And I once burned myself on a display of kimchee (when I was a kid, we went to Korea, and we went out to eat at a restaurant that had different kimchees in a glass case under hot lights or something, and I touched it -- now associate the smell of kimchee w/ getting burned). Yes, I am odd. So I will gladly let you have my share of sauerkraut and kimchee!


lawsontl August 5 2011, 12:42:55 UTC
That has to be one of the most, er, unique things I've ever heard.

You realize that I will no longer be able to eat kimchee without thinking of you!


lawsontl August 5 2011, 02:22:01 UTC
Hey, you ever make squash noodles by paring off thin layers? I somehow think you have, oh mistress of the voluminous pile of self-written recipes. Curious how that worked out for you.

You need to teach us more about the wonders of Blue's tofu secrets, too. Blue's cooking makes me VERY happy.


blue_fjords August 5 2011, 03:00:21 UTC
I have not made squash noodles! They sound good, though. I had a squash kick last fall and made a fair few things. Made summer squash ratatouille a few weeks ago w/ squashes I had never even heard of!

And I do need to do a tofu post -- made this baked tofu recipe that was pretty good. Really good texture to the tofu -- it was frozen and then thawed, then pressed for an hour or so. Really liked the resulting texture.


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