Lots of Stuff on Writing!!

May 16, 2011 21:17

Okay, I promised you a post that wasn’t about cupcakes, and now I’m going to deliver! But first in cupcake news, I SOLD ALL MY LEFTOVERS! This is very exciting to me. Probably boring to everyone else, but it’s a weight off my mind. This also means I won’t eat any more of those. Yay!

Moving on, a rec! For White Collar but so cool that even if you’ve never seen White Collar, you’ll want to check this bad boy out. The awesomely creative neifile7 has written epistolary fic. On postcards. It’s an entire story told through written correspondence to and from the WC characters. For those in TW fandom, you may recall she did a similar one about a year ago for that. Go check this sucker out, drool over the pretty pics and get caught up in the mystery: The Monogram, woo hoo!

In further writing news, let me share w/ you my summer writing plans. Help keep me in line!
1. Mighty Dark Night, the SPN AU - Dean/Cas cop/conspiracy/spy/homeland security - otherwise known as the one I’ve been writing since February of 2010. I’m at 56k. I’m a very slow writer and have written several long stories in the meantime, but I am finally close to finishing. Goal? Finish before Nashville!
2. Everlasting Birthday Fic - a Dean/Cas high school AU. Have not started. Due the last week of June.
3. Local Color - the help_nz fic for poor, patient stellamaris99. This I have started, at least! It’s Jensen/Misha, Misha is the reporter, Jensen's the producer and Jared's the cameraman for a local news show in Vermont. There’s a leaf thief. It’s very dramatic (no, not really).
4. Coda - the help_japan coda to cloudyjenn’s Xmas fic ( A Multi-Panel Love Story). I have an idea for this one! But have not started. It’s a very firm idea, though! Jensen/Misha, and there’ll be a lot of Jared in this one, too.
5. Last of Summer Realm - this will be a belated birthday present for qthelights. It’s the Jensen/Misha coming-of-age AU, and I have two sections/stories I want to write for it. Honestly, this ‘verse might be my favorite thing I’ve ever written. It feels very personal to me and there’s just so much of my own experiences in here (early 90s America - this is when my family moved back to the States, and I’m the same age as Jensen; it’s really cool to write something I know so well, no matter how much I love writing about aliens or witches or angels, I have no personal experience w/ those, but growing up, first loves - I know these things). Anyhow, I’ll be writing this when I’ve finished all the others. As a labor of love. B/c I love it. If we measure our fics by comment counts, this is my red-headed stepchild. But if we measure them by the joy they give us, this is my sun-and-stars.
6. At some point, reteaming w/ kel_reiley to do an AU or a case!fic for SPN. It will be Dean/Cas and have a lot of plot and dialogue and awesome!Sam. It will be epic. And if a certain someone wants to record a song for it, we’ll totally put one in! Hee.

Have yourself a line or two from the things I’ve actually written:

Misha just laughed at him. "You wound me! I am never mocking." He grinned brightly. "Besides, leaf thievery is wicked dastardly."

Gee, I wonder what that’s from?

"Rise and shine, Sleeping Beauty," Alistair smirked at him. Dean blinked back. As acts of defiance went, it left much to be desired.

And that one’s obvious too! But speaking of that fic, I have a question what needs polling. This fic is going to be around 65k words. When it is finished, how should I post it?

Poll Mighty Dark Night Posting

To sum up: I love Captain Awesome and I had ice cream instead of cupcakes for dinner!!!! Woo hoo!!!!!

rpf: misha, rpf: jensen, rps, au, read my friends' shit, recs, writing, i owe anya a classy drink, kel is full of idears, spn: dean/castiel

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