Good News for the Family Blue! :D

Feb 11, 2011 20:53

Peeps! You know how a few months ago I told y'all about how my brother lost his job? Well, ring bells, bang the drums, he has signed the dotted line w/ another firm! Hot damn and hallelujah!!! It's in Toronto. He had a phone interview w/ a place in DC, which he said didn't go so hot. So it's probably a good idea to jump on the Toronto job. At any rate, we are all mightily relieved!

In further good news, my baby cousin, who got married in December, is expecting a baby! Well, his wife is. Way quick. She's due in September. Honeymoon baby, wow.

And finally, my mom sent me a Valentine's Day pressie -- an amethyst ring I always borrowed when I was a kid (not really borrowed, just temporarily took off her hand and pretended I was a fancy lady). At Christmas, I was doing that again, and she mentioned she figured that ring would go to my sister-in-law. I was shocked! And horrified! And she quickly recanted. :) And then sent me the ring so I could enjoy it while she was alive. Which is fucking creepy. But nice, b/c now I have a lovely ring:

The only thing is, apparently I have kind of thin fingers, and it only fits on my index finger -- it even slides off my middle finger. (And yes, that is today's offering on daily_misha on my computer. SPN in ten minutes, baby!)


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