So if I baked some cupcakes...

Feb 03, 2011 21:37

Peeps, I need some help. I've been talking to my brother and my co-workers and they've been encouraging me to start a cupcake business. Like a kind of business, b/c I wouldn't have a store or health inspections. (I would fail health inspections, as I live w/ two dogs and a cat. We're a hairy house.) So it would be a kind of catering/drop off two dozen cupcakes for your party type of business. And my niche, you ask? Vegan cupcakes. Animal-friendly cupcakes, yo. My questions: do you think there's a market for this? If you were having a baby shower or something and wanted to serve cupcakes, but you couldn't bake, would you consider ordering some? Right now I'm thinking just in the DC metro area, b/c it's wicked expensive to ship these puppies overnight, and it would make the cupcakes too expensive. Speaking of expense, what do you think I should charge? I think the cupcake places in my area are ridiculously over-priced. $2.50 for a cupcake? Highway robbery. But maybe that's what you need to charge to make a profit? There are so many decisions to make! How to advertise? What do I call my business? My brother wants me to name it for my nieces. My coworkers want me to name it for my doggies. What do you think I should name it?

Poll Cupcake shop names! Whoot!

Have a pic of cute doggies for your trouble! (Willow is sulking offscreen, since no one wanted to name the company after her.)

dastardly ideas, cupcakes, pics, doggies

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