Recs, Nano, Squash and Finding Home

Nov 07, 2010 22:51

Happy Daylight Savings Day or November 7, depending on what you celebrate. Yeah. It's time for an update! First recs, though, b/c you'll like these.

Daily gRind was written for me by amand_r in the tw_femficfest. It's a prequel to her faboo alternate Torchwood Series 4. And it's fucking hysterical! The nation's cheese supply is in danger!!! It is up ( Read more... )

misha is a wild and crazy guy, rpf: misha, mandr is awesomesauce, rpf: jensen, tw: lois habiba, read my friends' shit, recs, supernatural, q is a rock star, torchwood, spn: dean/castiel

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Comments 14

rhymephile November 8 2010, 04:26:22 UTC
Hee, Finding Home. Did you watch it because I mentioned it a few weeks ago? Lord, it's sucky, isn't it? You should watch the little behind-the-scenes making of and listen to why Misha chose to do the movie. He's such a liar. I shall use my Finding Home icon in celebration of its mention as well!

Thank you for the rec too. I knew I sent you the new Rome for a good reason. ;-)


blue_fjords November 8 2010, 06:07:33 UTC
Believe it or not, I've seen like five reviews of that movie on LJ. Misha has a devoted fanbase, no? SPN is taking over my life -- M does this horror movie challenge in October, and I watched Jensen in "Devour" w/ her. And I hate horror movies. (I would not recommend "Devour" either, but if you like horror movies, you should check it out for pretty Jensen images, I suppose.) I drew the line at watching the movie "My Bloody Valentine" as M had already seen it and informed me that there was copious amounts of gore, nudity not of the Jensen variety, and I would not like the ending. She has already packed up the Netflix of "Finding Home" so I suppose I will have to live w/ missing the trite making of. Heh, I can ask him why he made it when I go to the con in Nashville. B/c I'm sure he's dying to talk about the glory of that movie.

And your fic rocks the kasbah!


thrace_adams November 8 2010, 07:53:46 UTC
Lots of story recs :) Imma have to pass on the squash not a fav veggie of mine lOL. But good for you for liking it and finding some good recipes. HOpe all is well :)


blue_fjords November 9 2010, 01:40:04 UTC
I turned my nose up at squash for years and years. I thought it looked like baby food. Then I had some cooked differently and that made all the difference. :)

How's Germany treating you?


thrace_adams November 9 2010, 10:26:15 UTC
Not too badly. We're enjoying it so far :) Kid is enjoying school and making friends so that's good :)


qthelights November 8 2010, 11:13:36 UTC
N'aww, thanks bb!! I'm just glad you liked it :)


blue_fjords November 9 2010, 01:43:03 UTC
You wrote a killer story! Of course I liked it. :)


kriari November 8 2010, 11:45:40 UTC

Thankies for the story rec, hon!

I haven't broken out my squash recipes yet, but shall be doing so soon. Hubby will haaaaate me.

I don't know why I haven't watched Finding Home, though everyone I've heard talk about it thinks it's pretty laughable.


blue_fjords November 9 2010, 01:57:26 UTC
Finding Home really is fairly terrible. M's a trooper for watching it w/ me.

Veggies are awesome. Except lima beans. Ugh.

And your story deserves hundreds of kudos!


dodger_sister November 10 2010, 06:35:10 UTC
I loved Reconciling Hollywood. That was amazing. The scene in the park where Jensen brings his camera. Yeah.

I am excited to try the others, especially In This Secluded Spot...I'm a sucker for a HS AU.

Ha! I don't know why, because I know you are always talking about recipes and stuff, but when you said "squash" my brain immediately went to playing squash, not eating it. lol

I have never seen Finding Home. I have seen a very small amount of Misha-movies. Stonehenge and sadly, Karla (the only thing good about that movie was how cute his hair was!). I've seen a few of his tv crime drama episodes, but really, I call myself a fan? Phish.

My Bloody Valentine was actually a good horror flick. You are that adverse to the gore, huh? I'm gonna guess you haven't seen Jared's Friday the 13th then.


blue_fjords November 10 2010, 21:03:19 UTC
When I watched Misha's crazy tea party youtube, I immediately thought of q's balloon. Exactly ( ... )


dodger_sister November 11 2010, 07:34:28 UTC
What is Misha's "youtube tea party" and how do I not know about this?

We had the Tivo and we put in Misha's name and picked up all his crime dramas. I miss the Tivo. We also own his season of ER (that he was in three episodes of) because it is also Eion Bailey's season. I've never seen his 24 eps though. I've never seen an ep of 24 at all, actually.

Here's the trick to watching "Dark Alec" <--yep, that's what I said. Just watch the Jensen parts. You get everything you need to know about the episodes from just watching his parts and it minimizes the severe damage that Alba's acting will do to your psyche. You know, but for her, I could have handled that show. Most of the time it didn't make any sense, but I loved Normal and his ridiculousness and Sketchy and Joshua (he wa a dogboy and he was still better than Alba) and I have a huge stupid crush on Original Cindy. But the show itself made no sense and Jessica should just stick to makeup commercials ( ... )


blue_fjords November 12 2010, 02:23:15 UTC
The tea party: -- 5 minutes of utter randomness!

Dawson's Creek -- James Van Der Beek went to my college (left a year before I started to go film Dawson's Creek), so everyone on campus watched the premiere, just about. I watched two or three episodes. It's...not my type of show. I don't think I could handle watching any more of it, even for my Jensen. And I would not watch the MBV or F13 b/c of horror, but we thought Devour was to be more psychological and M loves horror movies, so I watched it. Did not like it, but Jensen is very pretty in it. And poor Jared, I wouldn't watch something for him. Except that Young MacGyver b/c of our Gilmore Girl theme night. (Not that I don't like Jared! I do like him. I just don't feel the need to watch his stuff.)

Ugh, Jessica Alba.


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