Happy Daylight Savings Day or November 7, depending on what you celebrate. Yeah. It's time for an update! First recs, though, b/c you'll like these.
Daily gRind was written for me by
amand_r in the
tw_femficfest. It's a prequel to her faboo alternate Torchwood Series 4. And it's fucking hysterical! The nation's cheese supply is in danger!!! It is up to Lois Habiba to protect the bacterial process! Mandr can write humor like nobody's business, and create awesome OC's (Bertie! I heart him!), and this fic is just full of love and, omg, SINGING AND DANCING AND GETTING MERRY LIKE CHRISTMAS! You will not be able to read this w/out a huge-ass smile on your face.
Supernatural RPS:
I alpha-read, is I guess what you would call it, two fics for the
deancasbigbang, and I heartily recommend them!
Orizuru by
kadiel_krieger and
Reconciling Hollywood by
qthelights -- kadie writes hers from Jensen's POV and q writes hers from Misha's. Both have excellent characterization, especially resonating with Misha's youtube Tea Party. "Orizuru" is about Jensen unraveling the mystery of a secret admirer and "Reconciling" is about Misha trying to decide his commitment to "Supernatural," but both stories delve much deeper than the surface to really create fully realized characters and settings. I especially love the inclusion of the characters' other creative outlets -- Misha as poet and Jensen as photographer in "Orizuru" and "Reconciling," respectively.
I had nothing to do w/ this one, but I love it. I adore AUs, and
In This Secluded Spot I Respond As I Wouldn't Dare Elsewhere is so damn timely. It's a Dean/Cas high school AU and tackles the very sensitive subject of homophobia and bullying. It's both delicate and strong and I want to squish it.
Well, you can see from the pencil in the sidebar that I'm already behind. Oh, well. I'm a slow writer, generally speaking. I have four things I want to complete. The only one w/ a due date is my Dean/Cas Santa exchange fic. I have an awesome prompt. Now I just need a plot. I am not worrying yet.
I have been experimenting w/ it this weekend. I made butternut squash pizza and butternut squash casserole. The pizza was amazing. I am so making that again. The casserole was tasty. Honestly, I can't really tell the difference between my sweet potato casserole and the butternut squash casserole. They're both orange and I put nuts on top. I have a couple other squash recipes to test out this week. Reports as events warrant.
Finding Home:
Watched this b/c of the Misha, natch. It's not a good movie. The script is twee, cliched and overwrought, and depends way too much on voice over. Plus flashbacks to childhood, so big chunks w/ no Misha. Misha, however, is lovely to gaze upon and has a super sexy scar in his eyebrow. And there's a bit w/ a dog. All of that does not quite protect you from inane dialogue and overearnestness and predictable plot twists, but watch it w/ vodka and cheer whenever Misha is onscreen. Especially when he sucks the meat out of his lobster legs -- I always just give mine to my mom and don't bother. But the Maine thing to do is to suck those legs. Way to go, Misha.
So that's all she wrote! Will do a squash recipe post after I have amassed more fun w/ squash to share w/ y'all. Going to be super busy at work this week, and I have to get there an hour early, so I shall bid you a fond adieu!