Shallow Poll of Attractiveness-osity: Results of Day Seven!

Aug 11, 2010 22:26

Goodbye, darling JENNIFER GARNER! Oh, how I love thee! Jennifer Garner blasted into my life as Sydney Bristow in 2001 ... AND I WILL NEVER BE THE SAME!!! Okay, a little dramatic. But Alias was the first show I ever got, well, fannish about. I fucking loved it, and every character on it. And I loved how different Jen was from Sydney, too. Jen's a sweet former band geek from West Virginia who loves to cook and spend time w/ her family. She just seems really natural and genuinely nice, and it doesn't hurt that she has a very cute dimple and killer biceps & triceps.

Jen as Sydney Bristow w/ two crazy hair-dos! I'm actually rather entranced by the blue hair.

Jen discovers she has boobs! And Jen in my favorite of her many Oscar dresses -- classy, different and colorful.

Jen all fancy-schmancy, and all wonderfully casual w/ her hubby at a Red Sox game! (How much do I love that she married into the Red Sox love whole-heartedly! As a bonus, I love Ben's hat. I'll be in New England next week. Hmmm, maybe I'll find one.)

But, no time for tears! It's time to vote!

Okay, today's theme is "Photo Shoot Day" -- one older one, and one more recent one.

Jensen Ackles

Misha Collins

Gareth David-Lloyd

Grace Park

Sendhil Ramamurthy

That's a whole lotta attractiveness! Here's the poll, and remember, you're voting for the one w/ the least amount of attractive pizazz to you. (I know I am grumpy about this, but you do seriously have free will to decide. I retain the right to whine.) This is a very odd poll, but at least we get to look at pretty pics, yes:

ETA: Whoa, Nellie, a nail biter, y'all! But I have to close the poll now b/c I'm expecting big storms and may lose power and internet, and want to get another post up before that happens!

Poll Shallow Poll of Attractiveness-osity

meme, pics

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