Shallow Poll of Attractiveness-osity: Results of Day Six!

Aug 10, 2010 18:32

I have to Do Things tonight, so making the poll post a little on the early side today. Today is the day we bid a fond adieu to the delightful LENORA CRICHLOW. I know! The pain! But y'all, we're getting down to the wire. These have all been tough choices, and they will continue to be tough choices. When this is all done, we'll have a Shallow Poll Comment Party, and everyone of mine, and all of yours, will be invited to come out and play. Yes/yes?

Anyhow, on to Lenora! The lovely Lenora stars as Annie in "Being Human" and that's what I know her from. She's been in lots of other British TV shows, including this one called "Sugar Rush" that I totes wanted to post a pic from but of course it crashed my computer. She's got pigtails and a lollipop! You know the type of pic, I don't have to spell it out. But still safe for work. At any rate, I think she's got an amazing smile and an infectious laugh (and of course that British accent). Have some Lenora pics!

Lenora as Annie, then in a TV show called "Material Girl." She is living in a material world, yo.

Lenora going to the World Cup in South Africa, and working the red carpet in England.

With her "Being Human" castmates. I wonder if there is room for me...

And onto the rest of the story!

I did this a little differently today. B/c I am a total dork. For each person, they get the first pic I ever downloaded of them (OMG, am creepy stalker mcweirderson!), plus a casual, non-photo shoot pic. Yeah.

Jensen Ackles (I actually couldn't remember which was the first. I had several Season Two pics, and went w/ the one from the earliest episode.)

Misha Collins (This one was named "Cas 1" -- easy to remember!)

Gareth David-Lloyd (Ha, this was called "Torchwood Young Guy" -- I had no idea how to spell Ianto's name way back then!)

Jennifer Garner (And my secret love of pleather becomes public...)

Grace Park (Oh, dear. I must have been doing something w/ a grief or remorse theme.)

Sendhil Ramamurthy (I know Zachary Quinto is in this one, too, but it was in my "Sendhil" folder instead of "ZQ" folder. Don't judge.)

That's a whole lotta attractiveness! Here's the poll, and remember, you're voting for the one w/ the least amount of attractive pizazz to you. (I know I am grumpy about this, but you do seriously have free will to decide. I retain the right to whine.) This is a very odd poll, but at least we get to look at pretty pics, yes:

Poll Shallow Poll of Attractiveness-osity

meme, pics

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