
Jun 04, 2010 19:53

Peeps! I have a new layout!!! Hot damn and hallelujah! Many, many thanks to kel_reiley for designing this for me and putting up w/ my waffling back and forth. Rock on, kel! You are awesomesauce on toast.

Other crap going down: I got a terrible passport photo taken today! Yeah, baby! I have to say, if I go through Customs and the Customs Official tells me I look like my passport photo, I am going to have a cow. There will be a cow suddenly in existence at the U.S.-Canada border. Ugh, it's a terrible pic. But funny, too, b/c A) my necklace is crooked and sticking to my skin so that's attractive and B) the passport photo dude gives a free gift when you get your pics developed. It's a larger version of your shitty, shitty pic printed w/in a tacky little frame. Who in their right mind would want a memento of this? The pic sucks ass and the frame is printed as part of the pic, so it's not like you get a frame out of it. Whatever, I will be hiding my head in shame for the next ten years.

I also got new contacts today! Woo hoo!!!!! I can seeeeeeeeeeeeee! Now I need to get glasses to wear OVER my contacts when I'm on the computer (which is basically all day) to combat eye strain.

Which brings me to ... getting older! Ack! Birthday next week!!!! Holy shit. Still, it's better than the alternative. I have BIG birthday plans. (This is a lie.) I want to finish the writing of "Dr. Harkness & Nurse Jones" so I can post that puppy. I want to make myself a vid. M and I went to the Poconos last weekend, and on the way we listened to this huge compilation of songs from the 90s. I heard several songs I had never heard before, including the BEST SONG EVER. I really, really hope I can do it justice in a vid. I shall not tell anyone what it is until I have been able to make said vid. Then, on Saturday, we are going to watch ... "Stonehenge Apocalypse" and consume copious amounts of alcohol. As you do when you watch SyFy original programming. Misha fucking Collins is in it. Hence why I am watching it. And downing the Pimms. I will tell you all how incredibly awesome it is! Entertainment Weekly has already given it a D+ or something.

Other crap I wanna do soon: experiment on my vegan cupcakes. Oh, man, I want to try to make three different flavors: Almond-Blueberry, Strawberry-Chocolate, and Dark Chocolate-Raspberry. I have been dreaming about measurements and ingredients! This is bad. I must get into the kitchen this weekend and next.

In other news, my kitty has a fluffy tummy. I love it.

updates, birthday, kel is full of idears, no fic

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