Title: Perks of the Job (Red Is My Colour Prompt for Day Eleven)
Author: blue_fjords
Pairings/Characters: Owen, Gwen, Tosh, Jack/Ianto
Rating: PG (a teensy bit of swearing, m/m kissing)
Setting: between “Meat” and “Adam”
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Words: about 900
Summary: Owen does an autopsy and gets an eyeful.
"As soon as you sit down to a cup of hot coffee,
your boss will ask you to do something which
will last until the coffee is cold."
- Anonymous
Owen leaned back in his chair, inhaling the slightly bittersweet aroma of a fresh cup of coffee. Torchwood did have its perks after all.
He jumped, spilling a drop or two of precious coffee on his hand. Hot precious coffee, he amended, sucking on his hand. Jack leaned on his workstation, an amused smirk on his face.
“Tosh and Gwen stumbled across a Weevil corpse when they were out shopping, cause of death unknown. I want you to poke around and figure it out.”
Owen frowned. “Tosh and Gwen went shopping together?”
“Yes, but see, the important part of that sentence is you, doing an autopsy.”
“Yeah, okay,” he said, getting to his feet and glancing longingly at his coffee. “But why were Tosh and Gwen shopping together?”
Jack rolled his eyes. Ianto must be rubbing off on him. “Owen, Gwen’s getting married soon. She probably needed Tosh’s advice on something.”
Owen stared at him. “If I was planning a wedding, I would not be asking Tosh’s advice for anything.”
Jack passed a hand over his eyes. “Weevil, Owen.”
Owen stomped off to the medical bay, muttering under his breath. Gwen and Tosh were just leaving their Weevil.
“Good afternoon, ladies!” Owen proclaimed, favoring them with a brightly false smile. “Off again, are you?”
“Tosh is driving me and Rhys to the train station,” Gwen answered, with a genuine smile. “We’re going to Paris for the weekend!”
“Seriously? Aren’t you getting married in a month or two?” Owen asked. Gwen frowned. He hurriedly continued, “It’s just, the honeymoon comes after the wedding. In most cultures.”
“Rhys is still recovering from his gunshot wound. He deserves a little pick-me-up!”
“Of course he does!” He paused awkwardly. Tosh gave him a tiny shrug, and he felt a bit better. Paris, on a gunshot wound? Not his idea of a good time.
“Well, don’t let me keep you. Have fun in Paris, Gwen! Tosh, you coming back here after the drop-off?”
Tosh shook her head, smiling slightly. “I’m also going to the train station to catch an actual train, Owen.”
Owen tried not to gape. They were both leaving him this weekend? With Captain Libido and Tea Boy? Damn, he needed to pay more attention in staff meetings.
Tosh read his thoughts. “As I said in the staff meeting, it’s just overnight. A family thing. I’ll see you tomorrow, Owen.”
“Oh, right. I knew that. Well, off you get, then.”
Both girls gave him cheery waves as they left. And he was alone again. With the Weevil.
“Aren’t you one ugly little fucker? And that smell . . . eau de feces, I am guessing, right? Let’s see here . . .”
The autopsy took a full hour.
“Heart! Underweight for a Weevil.”
“Intestines! Way too many, even for a Weevil.”
“Lungs! Pitch black; should really lay off the smokes.”
“Liver! Can’t find the damn liver.”
“Kidney!” It exploded in his hand. “Never mind the kidney.”
“Stomach contents! And here’s our problem, ladies and gents.”
He pulled out a very long, very dead worm. He’d seen it once before. Well, he’d seen it on Tosh’s database, at any rate. The Clift worms couldn’t survive in Earth’s atmosphere. This must have been a newly Rift-dumped Weevil. Upon arriving on Earth, his worm died and took him down, too. Clift worms fed on internal organs, but kept their victims alive by mimicking the functions of those same organs, at least until they’d eaten their fill and could switch to a new host.
Owen wrote up his report and signed it with a flourish.
“Job well done, Owen! You deserve a fresh coffee,” he said out loud. “Why thank you, Owen, I agree wholeheartedly.”
He carried his report up with him to slip into Jack’s office on his way to find Ianto and some hot fresh coffee.
Jack’s office door was slightly open, and Owen looked up as he approached. He was profoundly grateful he had not walked right into that scene.
Jack was sitting on his desk, legs wrapped around Ianto’s waist, one large hand cupping his cheek, the other under his suit jacket. Ianto was leaning into Jack, one hand over his heart, the other at the nape of his neck. Their mouths were close together, but they weren’t kissing. They had been, their lips were swollen and red, but now they were just staring at each other. Ianto’s lips quirked into a smile, Jack whispered something to him, and Ianto replied by kissing him again. A languid kiss, that looked like it was going to go on for awhile.
Owen slowly backed down the stairs. He’d leave his report on Ianto’s workstation instead; he’s probably the only one who would read it, anyhow. He turned off the computer at his own workstation, and noticed a thermos. Ianto’s hot, fresh coffee, just for him. He took a long sip as he left the Hub. Yes, Torchwood did have its perks, after all. (For some more than others.)