FIC: Dinner with Suzie

Apr 13, 2009 22:14

Title: Dinner with Suzie
Author: blue_fjords
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Suzie/Tosh, Jack/Ianto
Words: ~500
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: Tosh and Suzie stop for dinner while on Torchwood business. Suzie talks a lot.
A/N: Originally written for andreth47’s Public Displays of Affection Comment Porn Battle. Sorry for spamming the flist today; I have one more and then I promise to disappear for awhile!

Tosh slid into the booth across from Suzie and ran a hand through her wet hair. “So I’ve heard from Jack. He and Owen have found their box, and are already back at the Hub.”

Suzie snorted indelicately. “Figures. The boys are toasty and dry, whereas we get sent to the back end of Buttfuck, Wales, to be drowned like two unwelcome stray cats.”

Tosh shifted nervously on her bench. Suzie was getting coarser and coarser lately, and she had less and less of an idea of how to talk to her. “Just the luck of the draw, I guess,” she said tentatively.

Suzie peered at her from beneath her rain-frizzed curls. “If you’re hoping that Owen will be there to compare boxes when we get back, don’t hold your breath,” she said snidely.

Tosh looked down at the table. “Shut up, Suzie,” she gritted out. Four hours with this woman, tramping through rain-drenched sheep farms, and she had had enough of her incessant griping and cutting remarks.
“Toshiko, are you growing a spine? It’s kind of sexy,” Suzie cooed back at her.

Tosh glared across the table, but the lone waiter in the pub appeared at their booth with hot tea and mumbled something about sandwiches to follow before shuffling away.

“I took the liberty of ordering,” Suzie said, sipping at her tea. “Anyway, Owen’s not going to be there when we get back, and you want to know why?”

Tosh rolled her eyes. “Out on the pull, I presume,” she said, trying to head Suzie off at the pass.

Suzie grinned, and kicked off her boots underneath the table. “Well, yes, but that’s not what I was going to say.” She leaned back on her bench, and suddenly Tosh could feel a stockinged foot inching around her ankle. Her breath froze. “Owen won’t be there because Jack will have sent him away,” Suzie continued, miraculously nonchalant. “And do you know why?”

Suzie’s foot rubbed along the inseam of her jeans, almost casually, but Tosh had to press one hand down hard on the table to focus on the conversation. “Good behavior?” she said, half-joking.

Suzie laughed, an airy little thing with just a trace of malice. “Jack has been thirsting for a taste of the new boy.” Suzie’s foot was along her inner thigh now, and Tosh let out an uncontrollable whimper. “Don’t you see how he looks at him? Watches each time he bends over? Right now,” and Suzie lowered her voice, leaning in, her foot firmly against Tosh’s crotch, pressing, “Ianto is spread out over Jack’s desk, arse welcoming Jack’s cock, and Jack is pounding,” press, “pounding,” oh, God, “pounding into him.”

Heat moved through Tosh’s body in waves, cresting, cresting, so close. Her hands were now both curled around the lip of the bench, squeezing to white-knuckled hardness.

“Or maybe,” Suzie continued, lips parting in anticipation, “Jack is on his knees and Ianto is fucking his mouth. His hot, perfectly round mouth, and he’s growling for Ianto’s cock,” her toes curled, digging in, “and Ianto is coming all over his face, and Jack is lapping him all up and telling him how fucking beautiful he is.”

Tosh came with a gasp, head hitting the back of the booth, and Suzie withdrew her foot, smiling smugly.
The waiter shuffled back over, and slammed down a plate of sandwiches before grunting, “’Thing else?”

Suzie tore into a sandwich. “She needs more tea.”

pwp, tw: jack/ianto, tw: tosh, tw: suzie, fic

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