Last wildlife post from Costa Rica

Jun 08, 2012 09:29

Okay, my friends. If you look to your left, girls, you will see Zoo Ave, a wildlife rescue center and environmental education center. Sorry, whenever I am in an explaining mood this trip, I find myself speaking in the cadence of Mauricio, our tour guide from last Friday. And never mind that there were two gentlemen in our tour group; he was clearly addressing me and M the whole time. Us girls. At any rate, today's the day for the post about Zoo Ave and more fannish pairing of wildlife, as you do. :) Just a little disclaimer here: all the pictures I'm posting are from the part of the park that is open to the public. These are animals that, for whatever reason (sickness, overexposure, injury, etc.) cannot be returned to the wild. There are lots of signs throughout the park to educate people about the animals and the laws regarding trade in animals. None of these pics are from the adjacent wildlife rescue center, which is the part that actually pertains to my job. So without further ado, let's start w/ Tony Stark, the white-faced capuchin.

He's not afraid of voicing his opinion, this one!

We started off our visit to the park by getting mooned by Iron Man, who obviously looks a bit different than Tony...

Cheeky bastard!

Zoo Ave accepts confiscated animals from the government (so endangered animals found by customs officials, police raids, etc) and also animals that the general public surrenders. Kind of like those safe laws in the States where you can surrender your newborn to State custody w/out getting penalized. And sometimes the former pets turn out to be non-native species, like these African monkeys. They can't be re-introduced to the wild in Costa Rica, as they would disrupt the ecosystem and aren't used to it anyhow. Poor tykes! We have another Tony Stark here, this time w/ Pepper Potts.

Tony's the one pestering Pepper. Of course!

There are also lots of non-native birds, like these rosy-ringed lovebirds. Team Free Will: Sam, Cas and Dean.

I love the expression on Sam's face! He wants to go home w/ me and be my little lovebird.

In an homage to the funky glass lizards I saw in Pittsburgh many, many moons again w/ the lovely amand_r and adjovi, I give you Jack and Ianto as turtles:

As you can see, they're two different species, but they go together so well!

We met Hawkeye, too! Literally. This fella's a White Hawk:

You can't see his earpiece, but he's listening to Coulson right now. And Coulson told him not to attack us, phew!

These turtles are re-enacting that scene from Temple of Doom, the turtles being the worshippers and the red flower plant being the priest holding up a still-beating heart.


And then we get to the NSFW part of the park. Tortoises, man. Those little devils! So usually I have these things reversed, but that put-upon face is all Arthur:

Eames was making a loud grunting noise. It's not easy, performing in public! Some little kids ran up and got a little show on the facts of life, free of charge.

I leave you w/ Cobb as an iguana:

Yeah. Just because.

I leave Costa Rica in a few hours. Definitely want to return! I have one final post to do on the gorgeous landscape, which I'll get around to eventually. But tomorrow's my birthday, so I think I'll slack off!

travel, pics

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