EIGHT LEGGED FREAKS! etc, again, some more

Oct 29, 2011 15:11

Sometimes it's just time for an update, ja? So many things to natter on about, I think I need to make a numbered list.

1. Trying to finish cloudyjenn's coda fic this weekend. Wish me luck! Please!!!

2. Have discovered newfound love of Tom Hardy, thanks to dizzzylu and also dremiel and perfumaniac. He's rather sexay, though I can see how he might not be for everyone. My SPN boys are looking at me askance. There is enough of me to go around, gentlemen!

3. Canceled the farmers' market this weekend due to... SNOW. In October. WTF? So be expecting another post on cupcakes for shipping! Woo hoo.

4. My sweet baby Milo is feeling a little ill today. Not stomach-wise, but muscle-wise. Though he revived himself for popcorn, and to take some doggie aspirin in peanut butter.

5. Went to a wedding last Sunday for one of M's coworkers. He and his wife are gamers, and in the wedding ceremony, the rabbi even made note of how the wife is a world-class gaming sniper. LOL. I have never been to a wedding where everyone just let their freak flag fly like that. I say w/ total love. If I ever get married, I think I will ask my father to refrain from mentioning the hundreds of thousands of words of porn I've written, however. Not that he knows anything about it.

6. Which segues into this meme I stole off of lionessvalenti:
If I made Cinderella, the audience would immediately be looking for a body in the coach. -- Alfred Hitchcock
When I write a story, what do readers immediately look for?

7. And finally, if you haven't signed up for the Dean/Cas Secret Santa yet, what are you waiting for? Time's almost up, go do it now!!

8. (If anyone's wondering, the awesome Eight Legged Freaks is a movie I will actually watch w/ M during her horror movie marathon. It's like a throwback to cheesy creature attack movies from the 50s. Featuring David Arquette, Scarlett Johansson and Matt Czarchy, ten years younger.)

updates, writing, doggies

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