Apr 29, 2004 20:00
Well, TAKS testing was this week. It wasn’t that hard, at least I don’t think so, but some people did. I think that these two girls have always taken the longest time in testing. I mean, they took the whole four hours. It was crazy. I slept half the time. In fact, today, during the science test, I fell asleep and Ricky Trevino had to wake me up to finish it. Lol.. It was really sad that I had to fall asleep, but I was so tired and I was sick of the black and white pages… one after another.. That’s all they were.. Black and white letters all over pages. Anyways, Dolls has been extremely hectic towards Heather and I. Alyssa refuses to go back in the dance room, claiming that she is moving and she needs to go to only the classes that she has to pass. Funny how her boyfriend has 7th off and Dolls is 7th.. Oh well, Mrs. Hayes and Ms. Thomson are not going to pass her. It aggravates me that Heather and I have to do everything when she took the responsibility to be a Doll Manager and she isn't even showing up.. Who cares if she is moving? She has a responsibility and needs to fulfill it.
Anyways, the new Dolls had their first practice today. Heather and I got the tickets ready to sell, got all of the costumes out to try on and deposit, and received our “jobs” for Spring Show. My job is the music person.. If the lady doesn’t know how to do it, then I have to do it for her.. Joy.. My favorite thing to do.. Oh well, I will still show up, though. Heather has to demand people to be on stage at their appropriate time.
Pappa is doing so much better! He got moved down to PCU, which is a stage lighter than ICU. He is breathing on his own, so hopefully he will get the Trache taken out of his throat.
He waved to me over the phone the other day. It made me feel so happy inside.. A week ago he couldn’t remember where he was or why he was there… that’s how much freaking medicine they had him on… thank God for my mom for yelling at them, because if it wasn’t for her, they would be shooting him up with so much Morphine that he would lose track of himself.
At least he is doing better….
The friend thing isn't doing any better though…
So much drama in high school….
Why cant we just all get along well and live happy lives?!
Tomorrow is Friday and that is the one thing that I am extremely excited for. A day where Cassie, Stacey, and some other chicks can go out for dinner at a nice restaurant and then go see Mean Girls. A girls night out, if you will. I'm excited…
Daniel and I have been talking more lately… I guess that is a good thing, but there is still so much DRAMA! Well, it all gets caused by one person.. Everyone knows the name, so I will just leave it on the DL.. Lol..
France is coming.. And its closer than I ever thought it would be… yay! Maybe my one wish and one special friend will come true.. Hopefully.. I'm sick of this crap that I have to listen to everyday about all the “exciting” things she has done lately.. Joy to the world.. Heh. No
Tony is calling me now… wanting to talk to me… I miss him, true true… but can I give everything I gave him to him again? I don’t know.. That’s what's stopping me.. Plus.. What about the special person I think of ALL THE TIME? I need some serious help…. With boys..
See, there is this one guy who is a total flirt, with everyone that I know.. I wish he knew the way that he made us feel.. When we are alone and when we are with other people….
I wish life was like Hook…
Where there is a problem and Peter Pan just jumps up with fairy dust and flies away to save the problem, his kids being kidnapped….
Im watching it now…
If you haven't seen it, watch it sometime…
If life were a fairy tale, I wish it would be Hook..
My grandpa’s birthday (on my dads side.. Not the one in the hospital) was yesterday… we are having cake for him tonight…
If only life were easier…
Then I guess it wouldn’t be life..
But still…
I yearn to see what it would be like…
Anyways, if I don’t write for tomorrow,
Have a good weekend…
Like I said……
Find a good catch…
Flirt and charm….
Have fun…
And relax...