still DL4

Apr 01, 2007 21:12

ookawa genki


[picture] To begin with, first of all.
Dream Live ended safely.
There were times when I thought that I'd reached the limits of my physical strength, but it's undeniable that it's because of everyone's support that I was able to make it to the very end.
I truly truly thank you o(_ _*)o

...this is short! but I'll end it here for today...
As I'll be writing strong blog content soon... (*v_v*)
The attached picture was taken in the hall in which I appeared as a surprise guest in an event. Ookawa-! Behind you, behind you-!

Well, then, well, then ヾ( ´ー`)

shinoda mitsuyoshi

Finishing my first Dream Live... by Mitsu

[picture] To be frank...

It was the best~!!!

Tenimyu and Dream Live are the best~!!!!

('◇')ゞ< We ended Dream Live safely da-ne!!

so saying, hello, this is "Shinoda Time" m(_ _)m

As I'm still lingering in the memory of Dream Live...

My first Dream Live, and the long-time-not-seen Yanagisawa.

Thanks to the many staff people, the abundantly idiosyncratic cast, and, above all, every one of the fans who cheered us on, I was able to enjoy it greatly.

I think we were able to make the Dream Live a success from the power we received from everyone's voices and smiling faces during the actual performances.

I am grateful from the bottom of my heart.

I truly, truly thank you m(_ _)m

I am truly happy to stand on the stage as a member of Rudolph, after such a long time.

When I first stood in front of the audience at Dream Live 4, frankly, my knees were trembling so much I couldn't stand, but the moment I heard your cheering, my body instantly eased up.

The cheering from the audience at that time is, until now, still very much burned into my ears.

"Depend on me", which I sang and danced together with Ryousuke's roles, "Kisarazu Atsushi Ryo", was one of the songs I liked from the time of the Rudolph performances, and, this time, we did it 3 times in 5 public performances.

In the middle of that dance, there's a stop motion part, when the two of us stare at each other for a long time, ne, but, just between us, every time, during that scene, Ryousuke's eyes get all watery and he looks like he's about to cry.

Every time that song ends, I tell Ryousuke, "Don't give me that look like you're going to cry~!!", but, in actuality, I'm close to getting like that myself every time... (^_^;)。

Because we stare at each other for about 40 seconds, all the memories I have of Tenimyu from the time we met until now run about in my head like a revolving lantern.

What's more, when I look into Ryousuke's eyes, I get the feeling that he's sending me various messages, and it becomes unnecessarily grave for me.

At that time, I frantically recite to myself in my head, "If the 2 of you sing and dance while you're crying after this, the 5000 people in the audience will be surprised, thinking, 'What's wrong with those 2!!', so don't you cry, me!!" (^_^;)

It has become 1 memorable song all over again.

Afterwards, the lyrics in the new Tenimyu song, "F.G.K.S.",

"This is my starting point. Where everything began. And where I met my friends. No matter where it is, let's all go together."

it had those lyrics, and although this is also cheerful song, I was close to crying (^_^;)

Must be getting old~ I am... σ(^_^;)

This is the aged Shinoda Mitsuyoshi (25) who has recently somehow been teary fragile. sweat (^^;)< Hello.

Well, at any rate, my first Dream Live has become an awesome memory ☆☆☆☆

I got along pretty well with 3rd generation Seigaku, Rokkaku, and Rikkai members, too (^-^)v


"Everyone, I truly thank you & Please continue to support us from here on"

Now, then, next up is Bambino 2!!

I'll be transforming from "Da-ne" to "Ken" (・∀・)

Everyone, please look forward to it♪♪

so saying, this is all for "Shinoda Time" which was fully loaded with the inside story m(_ _)m< Tenimyu's the best da-ne!!

katou ryousuke

‡The best! The best!! The best!!!‡

[picture] This is Ryousuke!!
I was able to greatly enjoy the Dream Live \(^O^)/

I truly thank you all for your support☆☆☆

I'm grateful from the bottom of my heart☆★☆

Thank you for the many letters and presents!!         I'll treasure them o(^-^)o

At any rate, Pacifico Yokohama was huge!!
Honestly, I was struck by fright at first (>_<)

My feet were shaking, my heart was pounding, I was incredibly nervous (*^_^*)

But, more than that, I enjoyed it immensely (^^)v

It surely was a dream Live↑↑↑

Those two days passed in the blink of an eye, naa!!
But they were 2 very warm days ◎◎◎

That I was able to stand on a supremely wonderful stage, it truly is because we had everyone's support!!

☆★Thank you☆★

aoki kenji

☆Dream Live ended ☆ edition

[picture] Hello, this is Kenzi~!

Dream Live ended safely~ \(^O^)/

Being in Dream Live after so long, was truly enjoyable♪
Along with the feeling that the hall had become one, to match with the song, the strokes of the trembling various-colored lights were somehow awesomly beautiful!!

When I saw that spectacle on opening day, I had goosebumps all over

If I'd never done Tenimyu, standing in a place like Tacifico Yokohoma... ←(Who?)... No, Pacifico Yokohama would have been rather difficult, much less do a Live; it's not something that can be done simply, ne.

Tenimyu is awesome~☆

To everyone who came to watch, I truly thank you (^^)v
And, for the many letters and presents, too, thank you (o^o^o)

As for the people who couldn't come and watch, please look forward to the DVD, ok♪

By the way, how was the long-time-not-seen Akazawa-buchou?

As for me, I thought of various things, such as, how did people enjoy it, and, how were those lines, and, I wonder how well did I represent that Akizawa-ness on this part~!

H~m ( ̄~ ̄)ξ the midst of thinking...

If I myself enjoyed doing it, I'm sure that everyone enjoyed it, too! is what I concluded (*^_^*)

I wanna do it again~!

That's right ( ̄□ ̄;)!!

Yo~sh, we, too, will someday have a show in Pacifico Yokohama~!! (Our dreams are big)

Today's image was photographed inside the bus on the way back from Dream Live. I uploaded it right afterwards. (^^)/▽☆▽\(^^)

aiba hiroki

Everyone, thank you☆

Everyone, how was Dream Live 4th ( ´∀`)?

This is the 3rd Dream Live for me, but that feeling of nervousness and excitement, and charging up really still is the best (≧∀≦)

On opening day, my adrenaline was at full throttle and my memories flew off (・∀・)

I truly truly thank you for 2 days' worth of a warm, fun, and most awesome Dream (*≧m≦*)

And-! The drama, "Oishii Gakuin" starts tomorrow☆

It's my commemorative first drama! I enjoyed filming for a considerably narcissistic role! Please do absolutely watch it, ok ('-^*)

shinoda mitsuyoshi, translations, ookawa genki, aiba hiroki, katou ryousuke, tenimyu, aoki kenji

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