baba tooru (yagyuu hiroshi)
blog 2006/12/14
First day of performances!!
[picture] Good evening everyone (^-^)v
Today, we faced the opening day of performances, ne (^_-)
Did you come?!
In our case [lit. "from our point of view"], we hope that it was a really fun opening day for you. ヾ(^▽^)ノ [note: loose trans]
There's another one tomorrow, ne!!
I think I'm going to sleep early today and rest my body. (^o^)
Good ni~ght!
nakagauchi masataka (niou masaharu)
blog 2006/12/14
In addition.
In commemoration of the opening of the musical, I now have a fanclub ☆ Omatase shimashita (smile) & yoroshiku onegaishimasu!! Please do take a look at it!! You can also access it via mobile phone. [note: i left the 2 key phrases by themselves. "omatase shimashita" is usually "thank you for waiting / sorry to have made you wait". and "yoroshiku onegaishimasu" is usually translated as "nice to meet you" or "please be kind to me", etc]
Otsukaresama desu☆
The opening day ended safely (smile) I didn't do quite so well [note: "very much like myself" / "as usual"], but I'm glad I had fun doing it. The Tenimyu fans are so nice, ne ☆ The brought forth so much power!! Tomorrow, I will do my very best as well [note: "much like myself" / "as I usually do"]!! Please continue to support us☆
ookawa genki (kirihara akaya)
blog 2006/12/14
6:00 6:00
[picture of a building, street view]
Opening day, over (゜∀゜)/
Hello, this is Ookawa.。
To the people who were able to come, did you enjoy it? And to those who can come to see it after this, we're putting in all our efforts so that you will enjoy it. (*・_・*)」
As for me, I had a lot of fun!
The Rikkai match, for which the curtain has finally been drawn, will still continue on fro here.
The picture is of the Tenimyu grounds, "Nihon Seinen-kan". I'm in there somewhere. It's just hard to tell!! Well, then, well, then
Mou... I'm sleepy (√~`