Jun 15, 2003 20:00
Blue, i believe that i am good at pushing people away when they get to close, dunno why just a thing i do... stupid huh ? It's just the sometimes i get the impression that martin doesn't really love me, paranoidparanoidparaniod much i know how it sounds, it sounds like i am um.... paranoid, maybe i am...wait i am ..... Shit am i?
I used rather choice language today at mart and i guess at the time i thought he deserved it, but now i think he didnt, i feel like a total biatch. I'd kill him if he spoke to me that way infact i would kill him over and over! I am always moaning that he never makes me feel special, but did i ever just stop for a minute and ask if he needs anything? No i didnt, maybe i should!
No more Buffy..............I am going to cry, Laura did cry for an hr .... bless !
I still have Angel tho I am happy with that, oh and not to forget my overly priced merchandise and vids coolo !