Yeah, F for "Fri", fuckers.
anyway, we've got Gtown tomorrow. we'll see how that goes. a boat christening, i'm doing a paper, wanted to go to a club with the guys but am being a 'good student' instead. i have to do well on this paper, i have a shitty grade in the class and it's a fucking history class. whatever, i'll pull that shit up and it'll all be good. sunday i'm planning on finishing up the paper as well as another one for my totally cool western lit. teacher, picking up summer uniforms, and hanging at the ol' R&O residence. I've been feeling a little mixed up lately--only a little. i'm not sure exactly what it is; more uncertainty than anything. i know it's vague, but i'm not really sure how to explain it and don't really feel like doing so right now. basically, it's like i'm not sure where i fit in, dont know what i want, and feel like something is missing despite the fact that i have all kinds of opportunities waiting for me. perhaps limbo is a good term. ugh, i just want finals to be over, and preferably GOOD this time.
alright, i guess it's time for the weekly race picture, huh.
let's see what i can scrounge up...
ok, watch out for the fireballs, Gtown, it's coming.