Minor update

May 15, 2007 16:10

I have regained full use of my left leg! *dances on one foot*
The right leg is still really sore, but meh. Lest I have a story to tell when people ask why I'm limping: "DUDE. It was so sweet, I got hurt and I wasn't even in the pit!!"

In other news, I'm writing a mock gay harlequin with my friend because she thinks it's funny. The irony in this being that none of my friends realize I write slash and that somehow, the dominant "Lost Boy" fits the description of Mikey Way to a tee except for the chest hair*giggles madly*.

We haven't figured out the narrator yet, because we're still writing about the 'TENSION in the dimly lit room'. Any suggestion? I'm leaning towards Bob, or Davey Havok for the bottom, because Jeebus, THAT would be a sight.
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