Mind fuck aka. Time travelling

Nov 06, 2011 20:30

Alright my friend has gotten into Marvel Comics. By that I mean The Avengers actually. And The Young Avengers. She is ranting about them and spontaneously wrote seven page fanfic for them.

Anyways, this is bringing me back into DC Comics. It is a useful division, I look up Batman, Superman, Green Latern, The Flash, Wonderwoman while she is responsible for keeping me up to date about Captain America, Iron Man, Spiderman, Hawkeye, Black Widow and others.

Along the way we found out that DC has 52 Earths at least and Marvel more. They have Earth 9 thousand something....

Along the biggest problem about comics is attempting to understand story lines as there are no linear story lines. One writer writes this, the other next one goes "Oh no, I don't like this," and whooosh another earth another lover another past! So trying to make sense of the whole thing is impossible (at least to me). Plus the fact that there is not "a" Batman or only one Captain America but many and sometimes at the same time (Green Latern excels in that domain).

As if that was not complicated enough, there is "Time Traveling". Something happens and then time is disrupted, things change and the same person meets his or her alter ego from ten years in the future that is now the past. Seriously.

Which yeah, doesn't help.

There is just one character who has been able to deal with time traveling as if it was happening everyday (that I have met so far of course, maybe in the past version of their future-selves there is someone I have yet to meet). Green Latern in The Justice League Unlimited.

There is time fuck and messed past and people disappearing because maybe they were never born and Green Latern is walking around as John Stewart. In mid sentence he switches (while staying a Green Latern) to Hal Jordan. This Green Latern is completely at ease with the situation, finishes the sentence without missing a beat and tells the others another time leap has occurred, that he is up to date and that they can please proceed.

I adore that guy.

comics, time

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