Mar 25, 2007 16:10
"In order to make a decision, we must know what we are seeking. It may feel as though life is moving so quickkly that we are not really deciding, we are just reacting, constantly being swayed by short-term pleasures. Sometimes we know what to do, but we lack the strength to do it. The small-minded perspective of "me" is holding us back. When we see the best thing to do, our perspective will enable us to let go of our small-mindedness. We can't blindly engage in negative activity, expecting to turn out well."
Yes, we probably do know what to do most of the time, just that we don't like to admit we're wrong and would rather continue persisting blindly in it. just like the way girls sometimes have the tendency hold on like a leech despite knowing very well the other party's an absolute jerk. Or this fallacy that Mr. Right exists somewhere out there.. For Mr Right is human too and there's every possibility that his feelings will change and one day when you're old and haggard, he'll be nowhere in sight haha.
Sometimes it's so difficult to apologise to ourselves isn't it.