Feb 13, 2006 21:35
i am still doing awesome for the most part.
school is wonderful. i had my first clinical in an ER last wednesday and saw a man die. it was really shocking and i couldnt stop thinking about it for a while but now im fine.
last week we brought out a bucket of blood and used a measuring cup to spill it on the ground to help teach us how to estimate blood loss. "this is what one liter of blood loss looks like..."
it was fun to see everyone that was walking by freak out.
this wednesday i am going to be a Wake EMS Station 2. hopefully i'll get some good calls to go on.
and mark has been moved into my night anatomy class so we hang out and its good. we go to dinner every night during our break.
my dad is doing much better. he's walking around and doing all sorts of things. he's still having terrible pain though, i mean who wouldnt? but the meds are keeping that in line. im just worried that he's going to push himself too hard and hurt his back again.
allen and i are now dating and i like him a lot. one thing that is lame is that he's not a christian but he's respectful of my beliefs and such so it works out. we have a lot in common actually. more than anyone else i've ever dated. its weird...i would have never in a million years thought i would date allen piland! i did not like him at all in high school. hahaha.
jon byelick is just being a huge pain in my ass lately. i mean seriously he's acting like a 15 year old. he lied to me about something and i confronted him and he totally flipped out. he assumed that a bulletin on myspace was about him (it totally was NOT, concidering he's not worth my time at all) and began making all these bulletins about me being a crazy whore. he's trying to say all of these hurtful things to me about fucking around and getting STDs and he's trying to tell me that he was never attracted to me at all--->yeah thats why he called me like a week ago about a survey he read...about me in my underwear and got all horny. S I C K!
on top of it we had a dog together while we were dating. up until now he's been planning on giving her to me because he cant take care of her and the two dogs fight too much. PLUS she is MY dog. anyways after all this fighting crap he tells me he's not going to let me have her. that is THE MOST fucking selfish thing i have ever heard. ever. she is so neglected living there. she's never even had a rabies shot and she's always outside and he hates her being around and UGH! she deserves so much better than his stupid abusive ass. and he's going to keep her with him unhappy JUST to hurt me. STUPID.
will someone please tell me how mature it is to go to church.... sit next to my friend.... and try and talk shit about me to her DURING the sermon? because i think its about number 2 on the 1 to 10 scale of maturity. like right next to sucking your fucking thumb and throwing temper tantrums. i really want to know what he is thinking......like MY friend wouldnt tell me about it or something.
and he tries to attack me and say that i am immature and dont "act my age". you see i apparently try and act older than i am. first off...how exactly is a 19 year old suppose to "act". second off...he's only fucking two years older than me and if thats suppose to be such a maturity difference then why in the hell did he date me in the first place? i dont know. i dont get him. he's going around in circles.
i really wish he would disapear out of my life forever.
i dont even care that he thinks all of these things about me. i just wish that he would leave me and my friends alone. i dont go harrassing his friends. that is what you do in MIDDLE SCHOOL. seriously.
grow the fuck up jon byelick. you are 21 years old. you should be over this shit. and the fact that you arent is quite sad. i feel sorry for you.
and that is all im going to say on that issue because again...he is not worth my time.
my sister just called and needs a ride...ugh. of course. i drive her and her broke ass 20 year old boyfriend all over the planet. they need to get back in school, stop using their money to buy pot and actually GET A CAR and stop calling me.