I extend the challenge until tomorrow at 1PM EST. Sorry, I can't post the voting tonight. :/
This is to remind the remaining participants on this list to get their entries in for challenge 5 by June 9 at 1PM EST.
I've got 8 entries out of 11. Please... I still need icons from: tybone(*), lauralaitaine and beauty_untold(*). The ones with (*) have no skips left. Come on, people!
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This is to remind the remaining participants on this list to get their entries in for challenge 4 by June 1 at 11PM EST.
I've got 5 entries out of 13. Please... I still need icons from: wecrash(*). The ones with (*) have no skips left. Come on, people! Go and make a pretty icon!
Hello, my friends! This is to remind you that sign ups are still open HERE and they'll close on MAY 6, 2007. So, go and sign up if you haven't already. :D