Meet Nemo.

Jun 23, 2013 15:19

After conversing with Skimble’s breeder after his death, we took a look at their webpage… and saw this.

Nemo is a five month old cream mackerel tabby born from Skimble’s half-brother (who is a drop dead gorgeous cat, just over a year old, and already a Master Grand Champion. Interestingly enough, we met Nemo’s father when he was a tiny kitten living in the bathroom.

He was the only one left from a litter of eight. We spoke with his breeder, and decided to drag ourselves out to a cat show to meet him. We also got to see Jessica and pet her kittens and hear some Macavity stories, which is awesome. Cat shows are great fun, and I’m really hoping to start attending some more.

Anyone surprised that he came home with us? No? Yeah, me neither. His breeders named him Nemo, and we’re going to keep that name.

Yes, we’re upgrading to two kittens in a two weeks. I’m beside myself with joy.

He’s been home a week, and he’s awesome. He’s extremely sweet, extremely active, and EXTREMELY BOLD. He met the dogs for the first time, and sat under the chair, growling with displeasure while the dogs ate, and then tried to bite Charlotte on the paw. Now, he just ignores them with extreme disdain, as is appropriate.

He’s already doing well with most of the cats, though he’s still not playing with Jelly yet - but the two of them are doing much better together, which is a good start.

But you’re here for pictures, so that’s what you’ll get.

He’s REALLY athletic.

And very cute.

Watching Jelly play.

You’d look like that if you saw this too.

Jelly is an intense huntress.

Enjoying cat baskets as is appropriate.

So, so beautiful.

So is someone else. Okay, he’s not a cat, but he’s wonderful. He got matching IV haircuts and pompoms, because those are the people we are. He’s at two weeks post bloat, exercise restrictions have lifted, and he’s doing wonderfully. I am so, so grateful that he’s still here.

Even with funny haircuts.

Back to kittens! This kitten’s going to be a challenge once it’s bird introduction time - he is a big hunter, as you can see.

It didn’t take him long to learn about baskets either - and Gypsy loves kittens.

And, oh, wait, what’s this? A tiny screaming kitten that comes home on Friday?

Indeed. Hi Macavity!

He says hi back.

That’s all the pictures for Right This Moment. There will be more. Brace yourselves.

Originally published at Rational Parrot Blog. You can comment here or there.

macavity, gypsy, nemo, crow, jellylorum, introductions

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