Alright, a bit late...

Jul 21, 2009 00:52

I know last time I said I was posting about the fun of JacekCon, but...well clearly that didn't happen.
Short version: It was fantastic, I got to meet awesome new people, and WE'RE TOTALLY DOING IT AGAIN! :D

We even have tshirts. Can you say that about your weekend? No? Didn't think so! ;D (kidding, seriously I'm not that much of a jerk - but there are tshirts!)

Going or not going, pick up a shirt and tell the world how awesome you are! Do so here.

They're set to sell for the lowest possible price (the system doesn't accept less than 10% artist fees on the products). Any monies made will be sent to the dragon herself to fund the next JacekCon or perhaps something even bigger! (shhh...don't tell!)

By default, the shirts are set up to be printed on a black mens t. I've left it 'open' however, so you can actually customize it however you want! Different colours (some, such as the white mens t, will be even cheaper!) different styles...oddly enough, you can even get a one-sy for any babies you might know. o.O;
So yeah. Be cool, give into peer presure and get a shirt! :D If you want to. You don't have to. I know not everyone can be that cool. ;)

...and before anyone asks, no I did not order mine in pink. :P

jacekcon tshirts foxcloset zazzle

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