Work is incredibly boring and you're the only one who understands me!
Ok sorry, I'll stop being an ass. :P
I've been feeling very arty lately, so I thought I'd just throw this out there. If anyone is interested in a badge, I'm interested in making some :)
I'll see about scanning in some of my more recent stuff when I get home, but for now you can see some of my work on my deviantart at
I can do digital badges for $15, or cut out and put on scrapbook paper for $20
I can do traditional with prismacolor markers or pencil crayons for $20, with scrapbook paper for $25.
All badges clipped and laminated. I can probably finish at least the first few for AC as well.
I can also make lj user icons for $5 each :)
Anyone who's interested can send me an email ( @ and give their character descriptions. Paypal preffered :)
Ok, enough messing around - back to work for me. When I get home I plan to tell you all about Jacekcon and the fun we had and awesome people we met!
Be excited! >:(