The White Road sort of review

Apr 14, 2011 12:04

Just finished reading The White Road by Lynn Flewelling. I’m going to give a little review of it, it’s really spoiler-y so if you haven’t read it I wouldn’t recommend reading what’s under the cut. But if you have, or want to spoiled, then feel free to do so.

I probably read the books wrong altogether and I realized that throughout the fifth book. I got confused a handful of times and kind of just had to guess or go with it. The only books I think I read (which was a year ago by the way) was the first and fourth, so I missed the second and third, but already knew of some of the happenings in each from online. But not enough.

I also am unsure how to compare the fifth to the others since the fourth and first I read so long ago. But I do know that I liked it and my interest was piqued all throughout it.

I’m going to first start with Sebrahn, which is very spoilery (I mean, VERY) so I wouldn’t read under the cut if you don’t want to know most of the happenings concerning him.

Sebrahn is actually a character I loved---just as much as Alec and Seregil and Micum. I honestly saw him as a child all throughout the fifth book; yes he was abnormal. Powerful. A little scary in terms of powers. But I saw him as a child too; not an abomination. Nothing evil. I remember reading a review on the book where someone disliked Sebrahn---which is fine, everyone has their own opinion. But they called him creepy. I couldn’t see him as creepy at all. Maybe because I couldn’t see him as anything but a child. But he wasn’t creepy. He was different. I honestly thought he was cute ^^

A few times I got annoyed at Alec. He was conflicted towards Sebrahn at times (most times, it seemed), even though he honestly seemed to care about him---with how he acted towards him you could just tell. There was a scene, I can’t remember word for word of, but the gist of it was Alec compared Sebrahn and the other children and it left him with a sense of… wishfulness that he was like them. I didn’t agree with Alec in that whole scene. I know Sebrahn wasn’t really his child and they weren’t together that long---though for a time. But I still felt that he should accept Sebrahn as he is. To me it reminded me of how a parent might wish their child was more normal, less of a recluse or different for the sake of what others thought. It was wrong.

But despite that I do feel Alec seemed to accept Sebrahn as he is later, and eventually showed he did love him. It was sad to see Sebrahn easily latch onto one of his kind without much of a glance back towards Alec. But I do still feel like Sebrahn cares for Alec. Maybe even love if he can feel it. Already Sebrahn has emotions; there was resent Seregil thought he saw; protectiveness towards Alec that occurred very often; a need to stay with him at all times before his own came in the picture; a tantrum that children have (oh, I loved that scene). I mean, you could see actual emotions so I don’t think it’d be a stretch to think he’d miss Alec.

I wonder if Sebrahn will grow like the other of his kind? I don’t believe we were told whether he would, but maybe it was mentioned in the fourth and I forgot. I do know I’d really like to see if any human qualities remained---and grew---as he aged. Maybe see if he remembered Alec. I’d love to see him and Alec encounter one another again, but I doubt that would happen…

It makes me want to write fan fiction which I’ve never done and never will (I’d need to know the characters a lot better as well as the story, but still).

Reiser was a character that grew on me and I was glad that he ended up taking towards the others more---especially Micum (he’s just awesome, huh?)

I forget his name but there was a character that seemed to be left off on loose-ends in the book. I know too much conflict occurred in the end for him to do anything, but I do feel his deep hatred and vengeance should have had some kind of outcome when Alec returned. Maybe one day.

Seregil kicked ass in the novel. His ex was just as pathetic as I remembered from the fourth novel.

I really liked the Sebrahn scenes the most, as well as the ending when Reiser, Alec, Seregil and Micum all sent out to find the books (I disliked the witches; they were the creepy ones to be honest).

Overall it was a well-worth read.

I would like to own all of the books one day, as well as read the ones I’ve missed. 7.99 for an ebook has me wincing though, so I have to wait until I can afford it. But hopefully before the next one (if there is one that is) is out.

Well, I guess like 90% of my review was spoilery and about Sebrahn… maybe I’ll write another up one day that’s less revealing and less focused on just one character. I can't help it though; it's all fresh in my mind. Plus, I loved that kid :)

Next entry that I'll be posting in a few minutes talks about a few books I have that’s lendable, in case you have a nook, I’d check out the entry in case you want me to lend them to you.

lynn flewelling, book, the white road

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