Little children are worse than liver.

Feb 10, 2006 18:18

Ugh. I suppose the really small harmless ones are fine, but the 5-8 ones... God, I hate little kids.
Today, an old friend of my mom dropped by for a visit with her kid. I have vague memories of the child as a 2 year old, and I remember not liking her then either. My mom claims that when people picked her up she used to beat them up with as much power as a toddler can muster.
Anyway, she was pretty cute at first. I think she's a second grader.
But after about 20 minutes around her, she managed to annoy me so badly I had to remind myself she is small and I am big, and if I kick her, her mom won't like me anymore.
"You were prettier when you were little."
"Can you carry my stuff from the living room?"
"Hey, are you the grandma or the mom? You look old." [To my mom, we live with my grandma.]
"I WANT TV." [She was actually fighting with my grandmother over the remote.]

Well, there was more, but I think the "hehe, you got ugly, bitch" comment pissed me off the most. I have... inner beauty. Well, no, I don't. But still, even as a second grader I had more tact than that.

Well, that was a pretty pointless post. I just wanted to let the annoyance the little brat left me with out, but I don't think I sounded very angry... hmm.
I doubt even Rimon read it, and she's the only one watching me now... XD
But this was still pretty nice. LJ really could be fun. Maybe I'll have more buddies soon. But I think I'm going to have to comment about other people's journals for that, first. But, that's for another day. -shuffles off-
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