First entry evor. o:

Feb 09, 2006 15:20

Ehm. Okay.
I thought I'd give LJ a try… it looks like fun. I might try and play with the profile, layout and whatever if I actually stick around. I'm quite the senile person and I might just forget about this and never write an entry again. Still worth a shot, though.

About myself:
I'm a geek. G-E-E-K. An anime geek, even [but I'm more of a manga-reader than an anime-watcher]. Actually, that means my journal will probably contain a lot of pointless anime drabble.
Also, I'm perverted retard [not all perverts are retards, of course, look at my friends. But I am] and combined with my anime love, it means I enjoy yaoi very much, so… uh. Beware.
Ahahaha, my god, I think I just concluded most of my personality in a pretty short paragraph. I feel so shallow. ):

Uwahaha. I suppose that's enough for a first entry. But I'll be back. ]:
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