Jim: Ya see that? *Holds left hand out straight*
Bart: Steady as a rock....
Jim: Yeah but I shoot with this hand * Shows right hand as it jerks uncontrollably*
~Blazing Saddles(1974)
The sun is still half hour off as I sit on the ready bench looking out towards our targets 200 yrds away.
I shiver slightly watching my breath escape from my mouth, and begin to put on my shooting glove.
Hesitating before donning it, I clench and unclench my fist slowly,
Putting my fingers together and holding my hand out straight
It still shakes slightly and not from the cold.
I grip it with my other hand, frustrated, trying to get the shaking to stop, but to no avail.
I could never understand it, but I've had this problem for a long time.
There are times when my triceps like to shake on their own will, and it perplexes me.
Laying down on the ground still wet from the rainstorm of the previous night
I prepare and wrap my rifle sling around my right arm making sure it's not too loose or too tight.
The sounds of crikets are replaced by the sounds of birds singing signalling a new day.
As I work the sun shines over the trees, but the morning fog still blankets our visibility on our targets.
Five minute later, while setting my sights for the 200 yrd line, the fog lifts and we're ready to begin.
I am a stone... I do not move
Very slowly I put snow in my mouth so he won't see my breath
I take my time, I let him come closer.
I have only one bullet.
I aim at his eye
Very gently my finger presses on the trigger...
~Enemy At The Gates(2001)
It's been 2 yrs since I've been on the range.
I was inexperienced and on edge back then, afraid of failing so much that I barely passed the test.
I'm striving more now than just to settle for bare minimum
Resting my cheeck against the buttstock, I pull the muzzle up, one eye closed, a deep slow breath.. relaxed.
Pulling the trigger slowly so not to jerk the shot off course, I open both my eyes and await the verdict.
I nod and smile faintly as the target comes up from the pits informing me I hit center mass.
Marksman: 25pts-34pts
Sharpshooter: 35pts-40pts
Expert: 41pts-50pts
This goes on for a short while
Five shots each in the sitting, kneeling, and standing postions.
Standing being the most difficult to control, I hit only one out of five in the black.
Shooting rapid fire next with two magazines of 5 rounds each in a time limit of 30 seconds
I empty the first mag trying my best to keep the muzzle as centered as I can in 12 seconds
Ejecting the mag, I reach for my 2nd mag, loading it quickly, and finishing it off 2 seconds before time.
The 300 yard line requires another site change, and wind adjustment.
5 rounds in the kneeling postion, plus another rapid fire.
Finally the 500 yard line we prepare a loop sling
Undoing the bottom sling and looping it tightly around our bicep
One mag of 10 rounds in ten minutes... all the time in the world to concentrate.
By this time I have qualified and have a score of 32 pts, only three pts away from sharpshooter.
After dropping the first four shots, I make my sights to shoot a little higher.
I pull my sling tigher over my arm, losing feeling, but I don't care.
I'm not going to mess this up, and be given the lowest rank a rifleman can make.
These changes make my arm not shake at all and I hit the next six shots scoring a 38.
Two points away from expert.... I am proud of myself though nonetheless.
My next and final year doing this, I won't settle for anything less than expert.
The rifle is the first weapon you learn how to use,
because it lets you keep your distance from the client.
The closer you get to being a pro, the closer you can get to the client.
The knife, for example, is the last thing you learn.
~Leon The Professional(1994)