My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haulbloodyeve goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as Pippy Longstocking.
a_little_foggy tricks you! You get a rock.
ancarniaprime gives you 9 yellow pineapple-flavoured gummies.
i_love_tofu gives you 18 orange cola-flavoured jelly beans.
psyco_punk gives you 3 red-orange cinnamon-flavoured gummy bears.
slave2_the_muse tricks you! You lose 19 pieces of candy!
theatergurl21 gives you 5 brown passionfruit-flavoured miniature candy bars.
xx_bgy82_xx gives you 8 light orange spearmint-flavoured gummy worms.bloodyeve ends up with 24 pieces of candy, and a rock.Another fun meme brought to you by