Sep 22, 2004 17:21
I saw Mouth-breather again today. He's the stupid kid that stood by Andy, Leslie and I at Fat Don's last week. He felt the need to share everything about his day. How he was so "fuckin' mad" that the line was so "fuckin' long", and that he was "fuckin' starving" from waking up too late for breakfast and having class at lunch time (like 85% of the kids on campus). When he finally turned around, he stupid backwards trucker hat revealed the saying, "As Seen In Porn". This kid resembles everything I hate about this University all wrapped up into one stupid little package.
Also, treat the rest of this sentence after this line as a completely different post because it conveys a completely different emotion about last week.
Leslie + Birthday = Fun, if and only if Fun = i*[(L^2*E^2*S) + (B*R*T*H*D*A*Y)]
Blue Man Group, Sushi, Crepes, A Cat Named Marty Cohen, and The Headlights and Elefant: All integral parts to making Leslie's birthday weekend a blast. Although, it kind of feels like the last horrah of summer, because I have 4 tests in the next week and a half because school sucks... blah.. sorry I ended in the same bad mood as I started this post. I guess you can't force your mood to change.